Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My first online shopping story

About six month ago, I found out that my notebook should be replaced soon with a new battery. A month later the battery died finally and I began to find a new battery for my notebook. I asked about in shops but shop managers told me that they don’t sell battery for notebooks. So, I decided to order a battery by internet. I checked a notebook manufacturer site and find one for $140. I continued my search and found one for $70 on a Ukrainian site. The guys form this site claimed that they sell original batteries from a factory store in China so batteries are cheap. I trusted them and made an order three months ago. They told me that the package would be delivered by airmail. A week later, I checked the Chinese mail tracking system and found out that the package have already left China. Then I checked Russian mail tracking system within two months and found nothing about my package. Then I began to worry about that. Last week, the package appeared in Russian mail tracking system, hurray! Finally, yesterday I received the battery and put it on my notebook. I suspect the package didn’t fly by airmail. I think a little Chinese guy put the battery inside his big bag and went to Moscow by foot. At dark night he crossed the border and arrived in Moscow two month later so the batteries are cheap :)… Anyway, I have new battery and I'm happy.

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