Many years ago I read "Hoja Nasretdin" novel and I very well remembered one scene in which Hoja explained his plan to punish greedy wealthy man. Hoja caught a hornet and put him in the spider net. The fat spider delighted and jumped at the delicious moth. But the delicious moth was terrible killer and he killed the fat spider. I imaged this scene and, and it struck my young brain. Two days ago I watched “Hornets from hell” documental movie produced by National Geographic. I have never known that hornets are such a terrible killers. Hornet’s venom can be lethal even to people who are not allergic if the dose is sufficient. So few hornets can kill human. 30 hornets can kill 30000 bees in 3 hours. An attack of hornets on a bees hive is awesome show. I’m very glad that hornets don’t live near my town :)…

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