Thursday, June 3, 2010

"The Flynn Effect"

Today, I read article about “The Flynn Effect”. The article answered the question: “Are human beings getting smarter?”. And the answer is: “Yes, but in one very specific way.” The main fact is that people who have taken IQ tests have gotten increasingly better scores - on average, three points better for every decade that has passed. Other interesting fact is that test takers did better on sections that required a special kind of reasoning or problem solving. According to Flynn, it happens because of the amount technology that is increasing in our life. I think it’s really true. New hi-tech devices, TV and computers makes our children smarter and develop logic. But on other hand they replace books and live communication. It can also reduce memorizing and social skills. Maybe it’s a part of human evolution process :)


  1. to extrude means to squeeze out, like a sausage out of a sausage machine. Do you mean to exclude, ie to leave out, to ignore?

    Interesting post by the way. I may put some Russian writing on my blog and ask for corrections!

  2. skyblueteapot, thank you a lot for catching this mistake. I mean exclude of course.
