Saturday, August 7, 2010

last news

It was a very busy week for me and I did not have free time to post a new message in the blog. My wife Natasha finally got a driver's license. So we will have more free time now. She went to the driver's courses several times a week for 2 hours while I took care of little Katya. Although, Katya is no longer little. She is one and a half years.

Two weeks ago Katya had eaten something wrong and became sick. It was problem for us because we wanted to go on holiday. But now she feels good and we have bought a tour to Turkey. I’m a little worried about Katya because now in Turkey is very hot. Today it’s about 32 degrees in Alania. On the other hand it’s about 40 degrees here in Russia today. So maybe I'm worried for nothing.

By the way, abnormal hot weather continues to remain in Russia. In addition to this now there are many wildfires. There are burning peats near Tver. And every day the city enveloped in smoke. Depending on the wind sometimes the smoke dissipates. This is a terrible cataclysm.

This week we had an accident with electricity. Monday night lights suddenly lit up very brightly. I heard a burst control unit of warm floor in the bathroom. Then I turned off the electricity switch. As we discovered later, the voltage was 400 volts. As we learned later in the neighboring yard tree fell and broke electrical wires. Total losses amounted to two power supply and control unit warm floor. It’s about $200.

Anyway we are going to flight to Turkey on 13 August. And now we are covered with pleasant preparations before the trip.

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