Monday, July 5, 2010

Homeopathy: The Test

Today I have watched the documentary movie about homeopathy. The movie tells about attempts to prove that homeopathy works. Homeopathy is a method of treatment, the main principle of which is the appointment of small quantities of drugs that cause symptoms similar to disease. It’s interesting that some of homeopathic cures are diluted so much that they do not remain the original substance. However, homeopaths claim that homeopathic water has memory carries out the transfer of biological information. Modern scientific medicine is skeptical of homeopathy. Few clinical trials of homeopathic preparations did not show differences between the homeopathic remedy and placebo. Skeptic James Randi has offered $1m to anyone who can provide convincing evidence of homeopathy effects. He is still keeping his money. However, there are many people who take homeopathic cures and convince that they work.

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