Today is Programmer Day, my professional holiday! Officially, Russia Programmer's Day was first celebrated on September 11, 2009, when Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree that sets a new official Russian professional holiday. According to this document, Programmer's Day will be celebrated in Russia every 256th day of year.
The number 256 was chosen because it is the number of integers that can be expressed using a single eight-byte. This date has long since become an unofficial holiday of people who tied his career with their career with computer programming.
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Monday, September 13, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day of the end of Second World War
Russia observes first new memorable date - the day of the end of World War II.
Earlier, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law "On the days of glory and celebration of anniversaries of Russia”. Under which, the 2 September in Russia set a new memorable date - the Day of the End of Second World War.
The new memorial will mark the date September 2, because 65 years ago on this day on board the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay the capitulation of Japan was signed. From the Japanese side the act was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Shigemitsu Mamoru and Chief of Staff Umezu Esidziro. From the Allies side the act was signed by General Douglas MacArthur (USA), Bruce Frazer (UK) and Lt. Gen. KN Derevianko (USSR).
"During the Manchurian strategic operation, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and the Kuril amphibious operations group of the Armed Forces of the USSR in the Far East, defeated the troops of the Japanese Kwantung Army and liberated the north-eastern China, North Korea, southern Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. Thus, it brought the end of World War II "- said in a memorandum to the bill.
At present, Russia has 10 anniversaries: The Day of Russian students (25 January), Day of Astronautics (12 April), Memorial and Grief Day, (June 22), Day of the Baptism of Russia (July 28), Day of Partisans and Undergrounds (29 June), The day of the End of World War II (September 2), Solidarity Day in the Fight Against Terrorism (September 3), Day of the October Revolution of 1917 (November 7), Heroes of the Motherland Day (9 December), Day of the RF Constitution (December 12).
Earlier, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a law "On the days of glory and celebration of anniversaries of Russia”. Under which, the 2 September in Russia set a new memorable date - the Day of the End of Second World War.
The new memorial will mark the date September 2, because 65 years ago on this day on board the American battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay the capitulation of Japan was signed. From the Japanese side the act was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs Shigemitsu Mamoru and Chief of Staff Umezu Esidziro. From the Allies side the act was signed by General Douglas MacArthur (USA), Bruce Frazer (UK) and Lt. Gen. KN Derevianko (USSR).
"During the Manchurian strategic operation, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and the Kuril amphibious operations group of the Armed Forces of the USSR in the Far East, defeated the troops of the Japanese Kwantung Army and liberated the north-eastern China, North Korea, southern Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. Thus, it brought the end of World War II "- said in a memorandum to the bill.
At present, Russia has 10 anniversaries: The Day of Russian students (25 January), Day of Astronautics (12 April), Memorial and Grief Day, (June 22), Day of the Baptism of Russia (July 28), Day of Partisans and Undergrounds (29 June), The day of the End of World War II (September 2), Solidarity Day in the Fight Against Terrorism (September 3), Day of the October Revolution of 1917 (November 7), Heroes of the Motherland Day (9 December), Day of the RF Constitution (December 12).
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